Focus Communities

Welcome to the F​ocus Communities home site sponsored by the CIM Users Group. A focus community can be created when there is a high priority or urgent need that would benefit from having all parties with subject matter expertise (e.g., utilities, vendors, universities, and IEC WG members) working together to establish use cases and requirements. The focus is on defining the business need and requirements to be addressed (i.e., the what) rather than on the solution (the how). What is unique about focus communities is the close link between CIMug members and IEC CIM WG members with similar interests as described below, thus ensuring rapid progress of updates to the CIM standards to address the focus community needs.

Current Focus Communities

Life Cycle of a Focus Community

1. Establishment

Establishment of new focus community based on urgent/important business need not currently addressed for application of CIM standards. The request could come from either (1) IEC CIM WG members or (2) CIMug members comprising utilities, vendors, consultants, universities, etc.

2. Preparation

Preparation of use cases and requirements that could culminate in:

  1. preparing a New Work Item Proposal (NWIP) for starting new work in IEC TC57 or
  2. providing input to existing work already in progress in a CIM WG

3. Review and comment

 Review and comment on draft standards prepared by the IEC CIM WG(s) prior to being circulated to the IEC National Committees for approval.

4. Interoperability tests

Potential involvement in interoperability tests as test witnesses (especially for utility participants).

5. Sharing experiences

Sharing of utility experiences in application of new CIM standards produced to address needs of the focus community.

6. Disbandment

Disbandment of focus community once necessary CIM standards have been approved and products are available which support the new standards.

How to Establish a New Focus Community

A request can come from any CIMug member or IEC CIM WG member. A new focus community site can be built and customized within hours, and your members can be active on the site within 48 hours. Interested? Send us a message at