CIMug Oceania Chapter
Providing a voice for the Oceania users of the CIM in the wider CIM community
- New Zealand and Australian users of CIM
- Users of CIM in the broader Asia-Pacific region
- New Zealand, Australian and global integrators and vendors

- To improve sharing and access to information via:
- A repository of projects and interest synopsis of various organisations to facilitate contacts between organizations with similar interests
- Sharing of information available via the international CIMug community
- Sharing of CIM standards change requests
- Improve availability of training material through scheduling of seminars and making region specific information available.
- Facilitating web or teleconferences on topics specific for the region.
- The committee should provide opportunities to extend the limits of the CIM standards to help influence the direction of CIM.
The Mission of the CIM Users Group Oceania Chapter is to maximise the benefits of using the CIM in the achievement of business objectives and enable:
- Sharing of resources, ideas and development issues
- Networking on standards and benchmarking best practice
- Joint funding and interchange of knowledge and ideas
- Collaborative approach to training
- Fully exploiting the CIM user community

Send us an email to learn more: