Officers & Board Members
The Board of Directors of the UCA International Users Group (UCAIug) welcomes you to the UCAIug collaboration site.
Letter From the Chairmain
The electric energy industry is a critical element of modern society’s infrastructure. The reliable, resilient and efficient generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy demands interoperability of large complex systems. The UCAIug serves that end by providing a forum in which users of standards can cooperate with each other to further the goal of enhancing interoperability across the utility enterprise.
The UCAIug consists of several user communities supporting a specific set of standards: IEC 61850, the Common Information Model (CIM) and the Open Field Message Bus (OpenFMB). For each community, the UCAIug supports industry stakeholders by providing a forum in which they can deliver industry outreach services through educational programs that help inform and promote the use of standards and to operate testing programs to help insure proper implementation of the standards needed for interoperability and conformance.
UCAIug is a member driven organization. Our activities are directed by our members who voluntarily contribute their passion and energy to guide the UCAIug in the direction they need to reach their organization’s goals and enhance the interoperability of their systems based on these standards. To help keep our members informed on the activities of the Board of Directors, a document library has been established that contains summaries of the BoD meetings, financial information, budgets and other documents of interest to members. The member information document library is located here: You can also find other UCAIug corporate documents here:
Finally, if you would like to find out how to contribute to UCAIug activities or if you have any suggestions or concerns about UCAIug, please contact me at I would be glad to help you get involved or make sure your concerns and suggestions are addressed.
Ralph Mackiewicz
Chairman, Board of Directors
UCA International Users Group